Booking service for empathetic minds.
Sentimental es una agencia de booking & management donde artistas multidisciplinares, únicas y diversas se encuentran. Apostamos por talentos alternativos, innovadores y emergentes; cargados de poder y frescura. El proyecto nace del recorrido individual de años de experiencia en el sector, junto a nuestra curiosidad por desarrollar proyectos dentro del espectro de la música experimental y el clubbing, poniendo en valor la importancia de espacios sanadores que conectan comunidades.
Sentimental es diversidad, inclusión, personalidad, rareza y contemporaneidad.Sentimental is a booking and management agency where diverse, unique and multidisciplinary artists meet. It takes on alternative, innovative and emerging talents that are filled with power and freshness. It was born from the individual journey, with years of experience, and the joint curiosity of its founders to develop projects inside the experimental music and clubbing spectrum, giving value to healing spaces that connect communities.
Diversity, inclusion, personality, weirdness and contemporaneity is what Sentimental is all about.

Sentimental es un jardín en flor, una noche de verano, una mesa larguísima con infinidad de cosas encima, un submundo dentro del mundo donde siempre suena música de fondo.

Es sensible, profundo y mutable.
Usa la vulnerabilidad como una herramienta de autoconocimiento
y eso le permite aprender del dolor y transformarlo en algo nuevo.
Un equilibrio entre la fragilidad y la fortaleza dentro del caos.
Sentimental is like a long summer night in a garden filled with flowers, at a long table topped with the remnants of an infinite amount of things.
It is also the memory of a night, the feeling of nostalgia this kind of immersive sensory experience leaves on you.
It’s sensitive, profound and ever changing.

A world inside a world where you always stop, breathe and listen to the sounds around you.![]()

At SENTIMENTAL, vulnerability is a tool of self-knowledge.
A tool that encourages learning from pain and transformation into something new.

A balance between fragility and strength inside the chaos.![]()